Lifestyle / Pregnancy

We’re Pregnant!


Scott and I are thrilled to announce that Baby Goodson is due in November! It still feels SO surreal to write these words down and say them out loud, but I’m just so ready to shout them to the world — WE’RE PREGNANT! This is the best and biggest secret Scott and I have ever had to keep, but we couldn’t be more grateful and thankful for this tiny baby “bird” that is growing inside of me. Scott and I have talked about having a family of our own for over a decade now, so to finally be in this moment with our first baby on the way feels incredibly joyous and even better than I could have ever hoped for! We’re going to be parents! ECK!

I’m currently 13 weeks along and feeling so great! I was blessed with an easy first trimester and seemed to have dodged that dreaded morning sickness (thanks to my mom and her good genes). The first three months were mostly filled with cravings for cheese, pizza and sour candies, along with menstrual like cramps that I was hoping to leave behind for a few months. I learned through my experience that not a lot of people talk about all the stretching and cramps you can feel during your first trimester, but I’m here to tell you that those dull aches and pains couldn’t be more worth it.

Scott and I have been pretty over the moon since we found and have loved sharing the news with our family and friends over the past few weeks. I will admit, though, I have been much more nervous to share our news than Scott! Although everything has been perfect and moving along just fine, I was so anxious to say those two little words — I even had to write it in a card to my folks, haha! I’m really not one to like drawing a lot of attention to myself, so having such a big moment over and over again has been equally incredible and daunting. I’m not sure if any of you mommas or mommas-to-be have felt the same way, but I have been feeling more relieved lately at the thought of sharing our news and now want everyone we love to know and share in this journey with us.

Among our favorite moments so far during our pregnancy — seeing a positive test result, getting to tell our parents that they’re going to be grandparents (first grandbaby on both sides), seeing our little own on the ultrasound for the first time and hearing the beating of their heart — this moment hit me hard, and although it went by so fast, that first sound of baby’s heartbeat is something I’ll never forget.

We don’t know the sex of Baby Goodson just yet, but we are SO excited to find out! We both have a strong feeling of what baby bird is, but either way we will be SO elated to have a happy and healthy baby join our family. We probably won’t be able to find out the sex for another seven weeks, which feels like an eternity and no time at all. These past 13 weeks have seemed to go by so quickly and I’m truly trying my best to savor each moment — watching my body grow and change as I know our little one is doing as well. Ya’ll, I’m in tears over here just writing this post and I am SO happy to finally be able to share our big secret that we’ve been keeping to ourselves for over three months now!

I promise to share more updates, thoughts on my first trimester and maybe even some bump style photos here soon, but until then — here’s to a whole new amazing and incredibly exciting chapter in our lives!

With all of our love,

Chelsea, Scott and Baby Bird Goodson xo

Photos by the lovely Paige Christensen! Flower crown by the amazing The Petal Theory!




