Now that Spring Break is officially over I am back in school mode and trying to stay focus on my studies as much as possible. Before break started I wore this outfit to class during my “long day” at school (1-5:30 p.m.). I’m a big fan of being comfortable at school, that way I am less focused on my outfit and more focused on what I have going on.
Sunnies: Ray Bans; Sleeveless cardigan: Target; Dress: Target; Grey tights: c/o We Love Colors; Mary-janes: Simple Shoes
Usually when I go to class I carry a large tote, but this day I decided to bring my Coach purse that I have been carrying around non-stop lately. The size of this bag really doesn’t cut it for school though, but sometimes my arm just needs a break from my heavy totes.
Layers are also very important to me when I’m going to class. Many of the rooms in my building are absolutely freezing, especially when the weather gets warmer outside, and I hate to find myself freezing in class, unable to concentrate because I’m so cold (and also very sleepy as the cold seems to make me tired). If I’m not wearing a cardigan or something over my shirt/dress, I always have a sweater in my bag or car (and usually a spare pair of shoes in case my feet get tired/cold).
Tight are always a must if I’m wearing a dress or skirt to school as well. This pair of We Love Colors tights are extra thick, and are so comfortable to wear. If you’re in need of new tights (I know it’s getting warmer, but tights are still an essential in my wardrobe) I would highly suggest buying a pair of microfiber tights from WLC. They’re my favorite!
What does your school style usually look like?