
Tempe Town Lake Part 2

Niether Scott nor I had ever been out on Tempe Town Lake, so we figured the beginning of March when the weather was still cool would be the perfect time to go out onto the lake and try something new.
Scott and I rented a pedal boat for an hour and took off going east on the lake.
Neither of us had ever ridden in a pedal boat before, so it was a lot of fun (and tiring) to pedal our way through the lake. We took turns steering the boat, and took a few breaks to just take in the moment and scenery along the way.
Being out on the lake was really refreshing. I’ve always had this affinity to water, something that I attribute to my mother’s Northwest roots (Washington state), and being able to go out and be surrounded by water was special to me (even if it is a man-made lake). I can’t wait to go back to Washington and take a walk along the Puget sound and take in the cool breeze and the peace of mind that comes along being near water.
There are three bridges that cross over the lake, one for the lightrail, one for trains, and the third for cars. Each of them is beautiful in it’s own way.

Going on the lake was so wonderful, and I can’t wait to go out on it again. Next time Scott and I are thinking about borrowing a kayak from a family friend, or renting one, and paddling it across the lake together. It’s going to be marvelous!

Do you live near a body of water? Do you enjoy being out on the water?