1. My bestie Courtney looking fabulous in a Grow-Op vintage cape! // 2. Starbucks drink all around. Loving the new hazelnut macchiato (and I’m NOT a sweet coffee kind of gal). // 3. The regular cup of joe with my love. // 4. Rebecca Green‘s amazing original work on display at the Grow-Op!
3 Weekly Favorites:
1. Seeing SO many of my sweet friends at the Honey Harvest party at the Grow-Op. I’m truly one lucky lady to have such kind, thoughtful friends!
2. Completing 2/3 Comps exams! SO close to being done with those awful things!
3. Puppy cuddles, and taking mini instax photos of the pups. SO, so cute!
2 Hopes for the New Week:
1. That I kick butt on Exam #3! I’ve got this!
2. That I finally get back into the swing of things once my exams are over – regular homework, emails, blog posts, photos, life, etc.
1 Last Thought:
Again, I’m going to need extra sleep, extra coffee, and extra positive thoughts sent my way this week, sweet friends! Thanks so much for always being so supportive and kind!
How has your weekend been? What are you up to today? What album are you currently loving?
-Chelsea xo