
Hello August!


Yesterday I literally woke up and the first thing I said was, “I’m so happy it’s August!” Ok, maybe THE very first thing I said was Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit, but that is beside the point (anyone else a little superstitious?). For years August has always held so many great moments and memories for myself, and I usually end up in a state of nostalgia for the entire month (definitely not complaining about that though!).
August is also the month that most holds memories tied to music for me, so I thought I would share a little list of my favorite August jams with you.
1. Jack’s Mannequin – Everything in Transit
2. Anthony Green – Avalon
3. The Decemeberists – The King is Dead
4. Jenny and Johnny – I’m Having Fun Now
5. Rilo Kiley – Under The Blacklight
Do you have any favorite “August albums”?
-Chelsea xo