


Happy Sunday! I hope everyone’s weekend has been going well and that you had a great Earth Day! Scott and I celebrated by having a pop-up shop with our friend Brendan of Jar of Buttons at the Phoenix Flower Child location — it was so fun to see so many new and familiar faces, along with getting to sip on Flower Child’s delicious lemonades and teas all afternoon! Anyways, I recently saw this sweet post my old blogging pal Mara of M Loves M wrote, and thought it would be fun to share my own version. Without further ado —  

1. Scott and I met when we were 17 and 18 years old. I’ll be turning 29 in a little over a week and Scott still has six months to go — I guess you could say that I’m the older woman in his life (I find the term cougar mildly offensive, haha)! 😉 

2. I’ve been eating gluten-free for the past year and a half! Why? Well, after having my gallbladder taken out and then waiting over a year for my body to adjust, I still wasn’t feeling right and was suggested a GF (Low FODMAP) Diet. Today, I can say that it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. // PS I am in no way a medical professional and would always suggest seeking professional medical advice if you’re feeling off!

3. I had braces from the age of 13 to 14 years old (with a short stint of headgear beforehand — yikes!), and to this day I still wear my retainers every.single.night! 

4. I wasn’t allowed to have a cat growing up because my dad is super allergic. Today, Scott and I have three cats — I guess you can say that I’m making up for lost time!

5. I’m an Arizona native, but spent most of my summer’s growing up in the great state of Colorado. And while I love and miss the Rocky Mountains, Scott and I don’t ever see ourselves leaving the desert! 

6. I graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication in 2011 and always dreamed of being a journalist growing up. While my professional career may have taken me in a different direction (I work in Influencer Marketing), I’ll always be thankful for my J School days!

7. I’m an only child!

8. I drink my daily hot or iced coffee black — no cream, no sugar. It wasn’t always this way, though, and I have Scott to thank for bringing me over to the dark side (bad pun, sorry guys- haha!). 

9. This June will be my eight year blogging anniversary! So crazy to think that you can look back on the past eight years of my life on this little blog. Now, if only I can find all of my old Xanga and Livejournal entries and compile them all here — that would be at least another five or six years of content, haha!

10. I have this weird talent of hearing a song and knowing exactly which movie(s) it was in. Sometimes I like to quiz Scott and he likes to quiz me back, often throwing me for a ringer when he doesn’t actually know what movie a certain song is in — geez! It’s all in good fun, though!

Now, it’s your turn — tell me something about you! Favorite food? (GF pizza, obviously) Favorite song? (Coffee by Copeland) Special talent? (I like to think that I have a partial photographic memory – I can remember a certain page in a book, but usually not all of the words on it). I’ll be back soon, friends, and I hope you’re having a great evening! 

-Chelsea xo

PS My hat is from Cuyana and I’m obsessed with it!