Scott and I are so excited to share that we bought a tiny house! We’ve been dreaming and planning for this for years now, and today is the day that our new home was finally delivered! I’ve been hinting here and there that we had something big and exciting in the works, and we’re just thrilled to finally be able to share our good news with you!
We thought it would be fun to answer a few questions upfront that we thought might come up, so here’s a few of our thoughts —
How big is your tiny house? Well, it’s actually just under 800 square feet! While a typical tiny home is just under 400 square feet, our home was built in the same way that a tiny home would be, so we feel comfortable calling it our tiny (or extra small) home.
Are you moving? No! For almost the last four years, Scott and I have lived on my family’s 10 acre property in Chandler and we’ll be placing our new home on a small portion of the property. Call us crazy, but we love it here and really enjoying being so close to both of our families (mine within walking distance when they’re home, and his just a few miles away).
Why did you buy a tiny house? Well, we were ready to take the leap into a place we could call our very own, but weren’t ready to commit to a fully fledge home and all that comes along with it (price point, location, and space we really don’t need).
How long did it take to have your tiny house built? We signed the paperwork in mid-February, and the construction on it started soon afterward. In all, it took a little over 6 weeks from start to finish!

Now that our new home has been delivered (at 6:30am this morning!), we’re so excited to dig in and make this place our very own (and share all about the process along the way). Since today is Day 1 with our new home, Scott, a few family members and our delivery/placement guy are working on getting the basics up and running — power, water and sewer. Our hope is to get all of this worked out today, tomorrow and over the weekend, which is when our air conditioner will be installed. Once all of these essentials are good to go, we’ll start laying our new faux hardwood floor down, as we opted to leave any kind of real flooring out (except for in the bathroom, which we had laminate tiling installed in for the time being) so we could put in the exact kind we wanted.
Scott and I are absolutely thrilled about this new adventure, and can’t wait to share the process of turning our new house into a home with you all! I’ll be sharing sneak peeks of our new place on Instagram, through our home hashtag — #TheApplebyHome, and on Snapchat (username — chelseabirdd), and would love to have you follow along!
Until our next update, thank you all SO much for your love and support!
Love, Chelsea and Scott xo