
Oh hai, I own a DSLR!


  In the last few months I have been seriously neglecting my DSLR camera. I bought my Sony A-100K in April of 2007 and have had some great times with it since then. Lately I’ve been opting to just use Scott’s smaller Nikon since it is much more convenient. Last night I decided to take it along with me, and here are the result’s:

This was taken when Scott and I were thrifting with Amanda, Brian, Emerson, and Steve.
Scott took this one of Amanda and I.
More to come of those asap.
Anyways, today I went to Starbucks and got a:
Grande iced coffee. I paid for it with my Starbucks mini card (which I love):
Reading a little Plath while I was waiting for Scott to get off of work.
I also wore my TOMS today. Kind of forgot that I owned these lovely shoes.
Ok, goodnight loves!
-Chels xoxo
PS Here’s a sneak peak at a project that Scott and I are working on: