
A bit of an update…


 On Wednesday Scott and I went to this amazing coffee shop called Lux that is located just a few streets down from my school in downtown Phoenix. 

  The inside was really hip looking, and filled with modern furniture.
  Whenever I go to a new coffee shop I love to get lattes the first time, just to try them out (then I usually switch to iced coffee). While at Lux I decided to get a non-fat latte. Lets just say that I was thoroughly thrilled when my cup was put up on the counter:
  Look at that foam art! It’s beautiful! 
  Scott and I went to Lux with our friend Andy, however all I photographed of them was their elbows (and yummy drinks!):
  Americano, americano, non-fat latte.
  I’m kind of in love with this place and can’t wait to go back! 
  In other news, I spent some time with my parents this morning/afternoon. We went to Costco, and then to Scottsdale mall for a little shopping therapy. I ended up getting these pretty ladies that I’ve been eyeing for quite some time:
  For lunch we ate at Pita Jungle and I had their amazing veggie chili and green iced tea.
  Around five o’clock Scott and I took my grandmother to Red Robin, and afterwards went to the gym together. After the gym we decided to go to Starbucks for some late night iced coffee and earl grey tea. Scott and I did a lot of talking about our past, present, and future and I have to say that it felt so good. I love how I always feel so in sync with him, and how he always listens to everything that I have to say. We are both in great mindsets, and I just can’t wait to see what the future holds for us (although I already know a major part of it<3).
  Ok, time for sleep! Goodnight!
-Chels xoxo