
It’s officially Spring Break!

And the stressed is over, or at least for 10 days! Today I had my last two mid-terms and boy am I relieved. This morning I might have possibly taken the hardest test I’ve ever taken. Darn you intro to Pr! It’s safe to say that my English Lit. mid-term was not any walk in the park as well. Today I realized that I have no problem identifying short stories, and poetry by 18th, 19th, and 20th century female writers, but when it comes to 18th, and 19th feminist prose, I feel like I’m up the creek without a paddle (seriously, they all sound the same).
After both of my exams were over I walked the few blocks to Cartel Coffee Lab and picked up some more coffee (grounded for my glass french press) and said hello to my new friend Tyson (Twitter meets real life!).
Once I was back in Tukee Scott and I worked on a few odds and ends and made dinner together. One of objectives for this Spring Break was to made lemonade, so I decided that tonight was the night and yanked sixteen or so lemons from the tree in Scott’s backyard.
The lemonade turned out pretty well and I plan on making more during break.
Tomorrow Scott has one more mid-term before he is officially on break so tonight he spent a little time studying while I looked at blogs at the beautiful RVA update. I’m pretty sure my favorite piece of the update is Allister Ann’s photo prints:
(via RVA)
We almost spent time listening to the Broom album by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. I definitely think that it’s my favorite piece of vinyl in our growing collection.
Have I mentioned that Scott’s been doing a lot of drawing/painting lately. Here are a few things he’s made lately:

Oh I wonder who this could be…
Tomorrow I have big plans for cleaning my car, reading, going to see Remember Me, and baking cupcakes.

(via Summer 2007)
-Chels xoxo