Heritage Square in downtown Phoenix is one of my favorite places. Back in the late 1800’s, it was a thriving family neighborhood with some of the quaintness homes in town. Today, its tiny brick streets are lined with hip restaurants, bars, and the coolest coffee shop in a restored carriage house. Oprah’s favorite pizza restaurant, Pizzeria Bianco, is even close by! Earlier this week Scott and I took a walk through the square, taking in the beautiful spring day we were having, and sipping on some delicious drinks together. I pulled out an old favorite floral blouse for the occasion, and paired it with a new pair of sandals that I’ve been holding on to until it really felt like sandal season. Anyways, I hope you’re all having a nice weekend so far! I’ve been busy working from home all day, but I did get in a coffee shop date bright and early this morning. Tonight, Scott and I have plans to finish up our painting that we started in our home earlier this week, and then I went to get a good two mile run in. We’ve been running every night the past few evenings, and I’ve been feeling so great about the progress I’ve been making. Have a great evening, friends!
Outfit details:
Blouse: old online shop
Jeans: American Eagle
Flats: Crown Vintage sandals via DSW