


On June 11, Tea Talk turned FIVE! WOW! Five years ago I started this blog as a way to show my then boyfriend, now husband, what I was doing and seeing while away in Colorado for the summer. I really only intended for him to see it, but as time went on that summer I realized that there was a whole community of amazing bloggers out there who loved sharing bits of their life like I did. After the summer came to a close, continued to blog about my own daily life, college, my love for downtown Phoenix, coffee and later on my daily outfits. 

My blog has truly seen me through the best of days, and the worst of days, and I couldn’t be more thankful to have this space to write, create, learn and grow in. However, I couldn’t have done this without the support of Scott, who has been there with me from day one. He has always encouraged me to write, create and most importantly, have fun. My blog wouldn’t be what it is today without him, and I’ll forever be thankful for his love, support, photography skills, and always making me smile and laugh through this crazy journey.

Tea Talk also would not be what it is today without all of you, whether you’ve been reading for years or just a day, thank you for all of your kindness, love and support. I’m truly grateful for you all. I’ve met so many amazing people and had so many wonderful opportunities because of Tea Talk, and for this, I’ll forever be thankful for this space I like to call home.

Thank you all of inspiring me and keeping me motivated these past five years. Here’s to many, many more years to come!

Chelsea xo