Today I thought it would be fun to do a “What’s in my bag” post! I haven’t done one of these in ages, so here we go —
As of lately, I’ve been carrying my Madewell Transport Tote in black everywhere. It’s just the perfect go-to, no fuss bag. Oftentimes, you can find my bag filled with lots of notebooks, my laptop, receipts, and a phone charger, but this time around I had just cleaned out my purse – a little less mess for ya’ll to see (and a little less embarrassment for me, haha).
I always try to carry a snack with me, as I’m the kind of person who likes to have lots of little snacks and meals throughout the day. I’m not a huge gum person, but everyone once and awhile I pick up a pack for when I’m without a snack and need something to munch on. I also never leave home without a chapstick, a bright lip color, sunglasses, my wallet and a pen for those light bulb kind of moments.
Headphones and my day planner also never leave my purse. I love quality headphones, but I’m not afraid to throw around these Apple ones when I’m at the coffee shop, walking around or talking on the phone. Lastly, a set of bangles always seems to end up in my purse. I love wearing them on the daily, but usually end of up taking them off and throwing them in my bag when I’m eating, typing or just want them off.
I would love to see what’s in your bag! Take an Instagram photo, post a blog post or tweet a picture and leave a comment let me know you did! I would love to see what’s in your bag!
-Chelsea xo