


How is it already the middle of February? Where has the month gone? Well, it’s easy to say that February has been a very warm and lovey dovey month around these parts. I’ve been spending every moment I can outside while the weather in Phoenix/Chandler is still enjoyable. Laying in the grass during full-sun hours has been my speciality! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Outfit details: Target hat // Woolworth sweater // Jcrew & Alex & Ani bracelets // Loft jeans // Seychelles booties

Other than my daily sun worship hours (totally just kidding guys — I burn like a tomato red cherry!), things have been really picking up around here. Scott is in full grad school mode and getting ready to present a huge solo project on Friday. It’s crazy to think that his grad school days are already numbered and he’ll be graduating in May. Grad school is tough, tough and I am truly so proud of him and all of the hard work he’s done during his time in Gschool! I often think about going back to school because I love learning, but I’m not 100% on what I would go back for. Journalism, Communication Studies — what’s next? Suggestions – anyone? I’m all ears!

I’m currently jamming out to some old school Copeland at my new favorite local coffee shop – Peixoto Coffee. Not going to lie, Scott and I are crazy about this place and you can usually find us here any day of the week. They also just extended their hours a few nights a week, so I’m excited to hang out here later on the weekends. Nothing is better than a late night coffee/tea talk sesh with some good company! Amirite or am i right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

What’s been the best part of your day so far today?
-Chelsea xo