


While the great state of Arizona may not recognize daylight savings time (weird, I know!), I’m still over here enjoying the extra hours of daylight and taking outfit photos in the evening again. The winter months can be rough on us style bloggers (am I right!), so I’m feel crazy thankful for all these extra hours of light. We’ve also been having these beyond gorgeous sunsets lately, so I’ve been taking a few moments every evening to sit out on our porch and just breathe them in (totally therapeutic, if you were to ask me!). If you’ve never seen an Arizona sunset before, I highly suggest getting rump over here ASAP and experiencing one first hand — you won’t find that kind of beauty anywhere else.

Dress: Notrdsrom
Necklace: Madewell
Belt: Levis
Braceletes: Jcrew & Kate Spade
Booties: Sam Edelman

It’s Wednesday and I’m super pumped for the day ahead. I may have gotten up extra early today to take in the sunrise, slurp on some iced coffee and pen this post. I’m definitely a morning person, so I feel most energized in the a.m. when the birds are chirping and the smell of coffee can be found lingering through our home. I wasn’t always a morning person, but I’ve found pleasure over the years in getting up early and enjoying some “me time” while Scott and the kitties are still sleeping. Anyways, I hope ya’ll have a wonderful day! Oh, and let me know what your morning routine is like in the comments — I’m hoping to share mine soon!
-Chelsea xo