


It’s true — January is one of my very favorite months! Everything feels crisp, clean and refreshed once again and the charm of the new year feels endless (well, at least until February rolls around). January is also when we, after over seven years together, finally tied the knot and the excitement of that time seems to come rushing back during these few days that lead up to our 2014 wedding. On the 18th, we’ll celebrate two years of wedded bliss and if I’m being real — it’s kind of hard to believe how fast the time has gone! How was our wedding almost two years ago? If you’re interested and haven’t seen it yet, here’s just a little peek at our magical wedding day. PS thanks for humoring me while I get all mushy gushy over here and on Instagram the next few days! xo

Outfit Details:

Nordstrom Utility Jacket (



Houndstooth Scarf (

similar + on sale!


Madewell Flannel

Loft Skinny Jeans

Sam Edelman Petty Booties

Scott and I have been spending the past few days getting ready for our big trip to Nashville on Wednesday, and also taking in this


weather we’ve been having. It’s supposed to be


while we’re in the South, so I’m trying my best to pack ALL the layers, while still leaving room to bring home a few goodies are two! I’m actually a chronic overpacker because I love to have options, so I’m trying my best to only pack what I think I’ll wear or need. But, just in case — I think we’re still going to bring one more suitcase for all those odds and ends that I just “need” or can’t go home without! 😉 

I still really want to share my resolutions, hopes and dreams for the year with you all, but until then I’ll be flying to the South with my honey and enjoying every bit of awesomeness that Nashville has to offer!

-Chelsea xo