Hello! It’s Tuesday evening and I’m just sitting down to watch my favorite show — Fixer Upper! I’ve had a few long, but amazing couple days over here (from Phoenix, to San Fran, Napa and back again), and I’m already missing the hustle and bustle of one of my most favorite cities. It rained almost the entire time I was in Northern California, so I didn’t get to snap as many photos with my “real” camera as I had hoped, but I did get some great shots on my iPhone and a few on my DSLR that I’m excited to share soon. In the meantime, the weekend before I headed to the City, Scott and I skipped our usual brunch spot and headed down to The Normal Diner in Tempe for some Sunday breakfast and a little time in the sun on such a beautiful day!

The Normal Diner has a bit of a funny past, despite calling themselves “normal” — up until a few years ago this spot was an IHOP attached to an old and outdated hotel that catered to visiting parents of ASU dorm-living kids. The entire thing was painted an icky, peachy pink and — anyways, back to the point — a couple years ago they closed down the hotel and restaurant and completely re-did them both. Today, both the restaurant and hotel (the Graduate Hotel) are super cool and very Mid-Century Modern in design. The restaurant is open to the public, and is a super sweet spot for Sunday brunch (not very busy there, either!).

Our brunch was delicious, and Scott may have dowsed his in hot sauce (as he usually does!). After filling up on omelettes, potato mashes and lots of black coffee, we headed out to snap a few photos in from of their now iconic coffee wall (and sip on more coffee in the process).

While it’s been feeling like spring around here for a couple of weeks now, the past few days have felt like an Arizona winter all over again — chilly, breezy and a little rainy too. I know that it will be warming up in a few days, though, so I’m trying to savor it while I can.

The next few days are going to be pretty busy around here, but all good things — another exciting event with work and a few fun projects to complete together. I’ve been keeping a honey-do list for Scott lately, and it keeps getting longer and longer — a want him to build a bench for in front of our bed, a mini hanging ladder, a skinny entry table and more. I have a feeling he’s going to be busy this spring, ha! I’m been kind of obsessed with home decor lately, in fact, I’ve been pinning like crazy to my Home Sweet Home board! Ok — be back soon, friends! Have a great week! xoxo
Outfit Details:
Brixton Panama Hat (on sale!)
Norstrom Utility jacket (similar)
Madewell Pocket Blouse
Madewell Transport Tote
Madewell Skinny Skinny Ankle Jeans
White Authentic Vans c/o Vans