There’s no denying that October is one of my favorite months of the year (right next December with all the magic it holds and and January with our wedding anniversary in tow), and much to my dismay — this month has just flown on by! I rang in the beginning of the month in San Luis Obispo, celebrating my bestie’s Bachelorette at the Madonna Inn — which is equally as amazing and unique as you’ve been lead to believe. The second week held some much needed rest and prep for the weeks ahead, which lead us to participating in the AZ Share That You Care market with Pineapple Triangle and the newly formed Mesa Bazaar the following two weeks. This months has also held a visit to the pumpkin patch, PSLs and most recently — lots of spooky tv shows and movies! Hocus Pocus is still on my list, but I promise we’ll get to it by the end of the month!
Aside from all the fall goodness, here’s a few things that I’ve been loving this month —
— Decorating our home for autumn has been the absolute best! You can read more about our fall refresh here (+ enter to win $250 for your own home!), but I’m also loving these spooky paper bats that have taken over our entryway mirror (if only they would stick better!). Love the full moon vibes this spot is giving off!
— Spending more time with our family pups, Scout (pictured) and Piper! These two bring me so much joy and I couldn’t love having them over any more! Now that it’s getting cooler out, I’m really excited to take them on more evening walks and to the dog park — they love making new friends!
– This blanket ladder (similar online, or you can pick up one at our next market!) that Scott whipped up for me is giving off all of the cozy feels! Paired with a knit blanket, it’s making our home feel extra warm and ready for the fall and winter seasons.
Can you tell that I’m home obsessed lately? I’m truly still not over our new’ish place and the thought of being homeowners — it’s the absolute best! Here’s to a great week ahead, and I’ll be back soon!
-Chelsea xo