Happy Halloween! The spookiest day of the year is finally upon us and I’m doing my very to soak it all in — creepy music, pumpkin coffee and all the Halloween candy I can get (even before breakfast, oops!). Scott and I got home last night, after a whirlwind weekend in Palm Springs celebrating two of our dearest friends’ wedding (which was incredible – more to come on that!), and jumped full-on into All Hallow’s Eve prep with pumpkin carving and Hocus Pocus watching!. HP is my absolute favorite Halloween movie, so we just had to get it in before the big day!

A few weekends back, we took our annual trip out to our local pumpkin patch, Schnepf Farms! We went on a Sunday evening during their pumpkin and chili festival and it was packed — but so much fun! We’ve been coming here for years and it always feels good to keep the tradition alive. Last year we missed out, but we were in Seattle taking in all of the autumn colors and fall weather — so I guess that was a pretty good trade-off!

Scott and I are all ready to celebrate All Hallow’s Eve tonight! While I just picked up a new witch hat and a flowy cape (think Sanderson sisters, but in all black!), Scott has been working on his costume for week! He and a friend from work were Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber (orange and baby blue suits and all) for their office’s Halloween party and costume contest — promise to share a photo soon, the resemblance is uncanny, haha! Oh, and they won first place!

Tonight we’re going out with our friends to take their littles treat or treating, and then will probably come home and put on a spooky movie and drink some hot apple cider! Watching Halloweentown is still on my list, so we better get that one in before the clock hits twelve and all of the Halloween magic is over! November 1st is my mom’s birthday, so the celebrations will continue on tomorrow — cake included this time!

Madewell Wide Brim Felt Hat (similar)
Ashley LeMieux Bell Sleeve Picnic Top
Alex and Ani Bracelets
Madewell High-Rise Skinny Jeans Nisolo Haper Chukka Boots
I hope ya’ll have a wonderful evening, whether you’re tricking or treating, passing out candy or are cozied up on the couch watching Hocus Pocus! Have a spooky night!
-Chelsea xo