Decor / Lifestyle

Around Our Home — 19



Where have the past few months gone? I believe I haven’t posted a peek into our home since sometime in March — which makes sense because that’s when my first trimester symptoms were kicking in and I spent most evenings going to bed early rather than staying up and blogging. However, I am happy to be in that sweet spot of the second trimester now and sharing more about our journey and experience here, along with getting back to our regularly scheduled program. Anyways, April and May were wild — feeling that first trimester, spending lots of time with family, prepping a big surprise and move for my work family (into a rad new office space), announcing that our little baby is on their way, turning 30, exploring NYC, my first Mother’s Day — wow! April and May were truly bananas (in the best possible way)! Ready for a few recent peeks into our home? Without further ado —

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—  Showing my first kitty baby pictures of my first human baby! This Friday, June 15th we get to find out the sex of our baby and we seriously can’t wait! ECK! I’m also really excited to get another peek at our baby bird at our 20 week ultrasound appointment — we hear it’s super detailed and there will be plenty of time for pictures!

— A few favorites that are dawning our side table currently! I picked up the brass cat at Cultivate Tucson back in April and it’s been the perfect addition to our cat-loving home. 😉 Lately I’ve also been feeling the itch to redecorate our whole house — think that can pass as nesting, right? Soon enough we’ll be working on the nursery, but until then you can find me moving things from corner to corner and dreaming of a king size bed (oh it’s happening before baby comes — I swear, haha)!

— Scott and our first baby, Bootsy! We’ve all been feeling a bit antsy with the weather heating up and the option to leave the windows open not in the cards anymore. However, Boots has been incredibly lovey and always wants to be near me and lay across my belly — I swear, he knows there is a baby in there!

I hope ya’ll have a wonderful week! We are SO excited to find out the sex of our baby on Friday! I have a hunch that the following few days will be spent shopping for baby and deciding on a name. The fun is just beginning — am I right? 😉

-Chelsea xo