Outfits / Pregnancy / Style

Bumpin’ In The Desert // 25 Weeks


Hello there! Sorry for the crickets around here, I’ve just been busy finishing up my second trimester of pregnancy — and experiencing the tiredness that has come along with it! I truly didn’t mean to go dark on ya’ll, but when baby just wants you to rest instead of blog — you do what baby says, haha! But with all that said, life has been rolling along as usual around here! Baby boy has been growing by the day, I hit my third trimester and Scott and I are prepping for his arrival! It’s all coming together, though, and every day things feel more and more real — we’re going to be parents SO soon, ya’ll!

Scott and I snapped these a few weeks back when I was 25 weeks pregnant! I’ve been writing weekly updates on my growing body and have been sharing them on Instagram (and have also started to compile them on my blog — you can find my first batch here!). I’m really happy I decided to start this way back when we first announced we were expecting because it’s been so cool to look back on each week and remember how I was feeling, what size fruit or veggie baby was and also see what my bump looked like that week! If you’re expecting or planning to be one day in the future, I would definitely recommend snapping a weekly photo to show off your amazing, growing body and to write down a few thoughts on how you’re feeling, what you’re experiencing and any moments that stood out to you that week — whether you put it online or keep it to yourself, it’s something you’ll love looking back on one day.

At 25 weeks pregnant baby boy was the size of a cauliflower and weighed about two pounds. During this week, I started feeling these consistent movements (3+ in row) and realized that he had the hiccups — which was so cute! I was also feeling more achey around this time  (back pain and general aches and pains) and found myself needing to truly rest, which is hard for my go, go, go personality. Oh, and sleeping? This is when it started getting harder!  I’ve always had issues sleeping, but now I found myself lying awake for hours at a time. With all this said, though, I continue(d) to feel so incredibly lucky to be in this stage of life and to have our baby boy growing inside of me.  Each day (and still) I feel like I get to know him better and can’t believe we’re getting so close to seeing his sweet face in person!

Outfit Details:
Shop Clay Wool Hat (similar)
Free People Nobody Like You Dress
Free People Royale Flats

I promise to be back here sooner rather than later, but in the meantime — I would to hear what kind of posts you want to see in the coming weeks and months! Pregnancy favorites? Second trimester update? Nursery tour? Let a gal know, won’t ya?!

-Chelsea xo