“The days are long, but the years are short.” We’ve all been told this at one point or another in our life, but no time more than any has this simple statement hit me more than when I became a mother. Instantly, my whole world changed and all I wanted to do is stare at my newborn baby. I didn’t want to miss a moment — I wanted to see every expression and movement he made — from the way his lips pursed when he stretched to his first few smiles, I just wanted to soak it all in. And so I decided to take the time — the time to adjust, the time to heal, the time to snuggle as long as I can, the time to kiss my baby over and over again because truthfully, he’ll never be this little again and for me — taking the time to do just this has been the best decision I could have ever made.
And I guess that brings me to this place — four months later and I’m still slowly finding the balance of wanting to just soak it all in and also get back to doing things I used to (and still do) love. Consider this my notice of heading back to this space a bit regularly — with my sweet sidekick in tow, of course.
-Chels xo