In the spirit of documentation, I wanted to make sure these bump updates had a place on the blog — even though my bump is now 20 weeks gone! Like part one and part two of this series — I not only wanted to document my thoughts and feelings each week for myself, but to also share for others who may be coming into a similar stage in their own pregnancy (or are just curious about my experience). I know that one day (and even now, reading through these put me into tears, guys) I’ll love looking back on these photos and notes that were a part of such an important time in our life.
Ok, onto more of those second trimester weeks —

Week 24:
At 24 weeks pregnant this bump was getting bigger by the day! Baby boy was the size of a cantaloupe (which I definitely took a picture with at the grocery store to commemorate, haha) and loves wiggling and kicking — especially at night! I had a few REAL tired days, but overall I was feeling pretty great!

Week 25:
At 25 weeks pregnant with our baby boy, he was moving and growing each and every day! At this point, he was the size of a cauliflower and weighed about two pounds — WOW! During this week I started feeling these consistent movements (3+ in row) and then I figured out that he was hiccuping — SO cute! I started feeling more achey at this point (back pain and general aches and pains) and found myself needing to truly rest, which was hard for my go, go, go personality. Oh, and sleeping? It started getting harder as well! I’ve always had issues sleeping, but I was finding myself lying awake for hours at a time. With all this said, I still couldn’t believe how incredibly lucky we were (and are!) to be in this stage of life and to have our baby boy growing inside of me. Each day I felt like I got to know him better and couldn’t believe we were getting so close to seeing his sweet face in person!

Week 26:
At 26 weeks pregnant with #babybirdgoodson, he was the size of a butternut squash! At this point, I had watched my body grow and change so much during these past few weeks, and it was amazing to think our little guy was just in there hanging, waiting to make his debut in November! This week, Scott and I had been feeling him more and more, especially when he kept me up for hours while kicking up a storm! I had also been getting lots of charley horses and had overall felt more achey. With all that said, though, I was loving this stage of pregnancy — my bump was out, I got to feel baby boy all the time and we were starting to prepare for his arrival! And a note to the baby — we love you, little guy!

Week 27:
27 weeks pregnant and at the official end of my second trimester! This season was SO beautiful and I truly felt (and feel) so blessed to have experienced that “honeymoon” period that so many talk about! Baby boy was getting bigger every day (at this point, he was the size of a bunch of bananas!), and he was showing off his personality more and more — kicking me all hours of the night and responding to my belly rubs and “I love yous.” During this week we got his car seat and were ready to set into that last stretch of pregnancy. And a note for baby boy — we’ll see you in just a few months!

Week 28:
Bumpin’ at 28 week spregnant! Baby boy was the size of a coconut, weighed over 2.5 pounds and went back and forth from making me feel totally normal and super pregnant, haha! During this week I had my glucose test, which I thankfully passed! I was a bit nervous to take it, but all went well! The belly ache and sugar crash that happened afterward weren’t so fun, though! Now that I was officially in my #thirdtrimester, it was crazy to think that in less than three months our little guy would be earth side and in our arms! This journey has been (was!) amazing, crazy and wild all at once — and I’m so thankful to be able to share it here with y’all! Thank you for being continually excited for us and showing our little fam so much love! Onto the last trimester!
Will be sharing the next few sets of weeks here shortly!
-Chelsea xo