And I’m back to share the fifth and final installment of my bump update series! Like I said, in the spirit of documentation — I wanted to make sure these bump updates had a place on the blog, even though my bump is now 20 weeks gone! Like part one, part two and part three of this series — I not only wanted to document my thoughts and feelings each week for myself, but to also share for others who may be coming into a similar stage in their own pregnancy (or are just curious about my experience). I know that one day (and even now, reading through these put me into tears, guys) I’ll love looking back on these photos and notes that were a part of such an important time in our life.
Ok, onto those final third trimester weeks —

Week 34:
Baby was as big as a butternut squash and we got a little peek at him via a #thirdtrimester ultrasound! Doctor said he was looking perfect, weighed 5lbs 12oz and had his face pushed into my placenta, which resulted in a very smooshed look at his cute face! During this week we also had our baby shower and maternity photos done by the amazing Hovering Heart Photography! The count down felt SO real at this point and I was starting to get more excited and feel less nervous!

Week 35
35 weeks pregnant and I was FEELING IT! Baby boy was the size of a pineapple and was moving and grooving so much every day! Back aches were still in full force, so epsom salt bathes were a must. Other than the aches and pains, nothing big happened this week — just got some rest in and started our weekly doctors appointments. I was also 36 weeks pregnant at the point I posted this and this new week was already proving to be trying – but that just meant baby boy almost here!

Week 36:
It had been a little more quiet around the blog/Instagram, but only because we had been resting + prepping for baby boy to arrive! We were also onto the final countdown with less than three weeks to go! I knew our life was about to get flipped upside down, but we were ready (errr — well, as much as we could be that is). I knew I was going to miss this belly and the feeling of our little guy kicking and moving around inside of me, so I started focusing on soaking in each moment that we could get together before he arrived earthside! Oh, and at this point — baby bird was the size of a papaya! I had started feeling more cramps this week and used ALL the pillows while sleeping (thank goodness we had upgraded our bed by this point)!

Week 37:
When Scott and I just our 37 weeks doctors appointment and we got our first — “We’ll see you next week if you’re still pregnant!” WOW! Things were feeling SO, SO real and while I knew he could come any day — I’m started thinking he was going to come on time/possibly on the 3rd (and he did!).

Week 38:
Scott and I at 38 weeks pregnant with our baby boy! Baby was the size of a spaghetti squash (and felt like it) and was getting ready to be served his eviction notice, haha! He had been pushing on my bladder like wild and poking out his cute limbs like crazy (which I will tell you didn’t feel cute anymore — eep)! In all seriousness, though, we just couldn’t wait for him to be here — two weeks to go!

Week 39:
Our little guy’s first Halloween! It also seemed fitting that he was the size of a pumpkin this week — 39 weeks pregnant! I remember feeling so excited, nervous, ready, bloated and sore this day — and just SO ready to meet our baby boy!

Week 40:
We welcomed our beautiful baby boy into the world bright and early Saturday, November 3rd, 2018! Meet our son, Ace Edward Goodson. We are so in love and our world is forever changed. 💙
-Chelsea xo