Our sweet baby boy is eight months old! I keep asking myself, where has the time gone? It feels just like yesterday we were in this moment, holding our two week old son in our arms and soaking in all the newborn goodness that these days brought. Our dear friends Kelsey and Michael came over when Ace was just about two and a half weeks old and snapped these photo of our brand new family of three in our home. I will cherish these photos and moments caught in time forever.

Did you have newborn photos taken of your little ones or are you planning on it one day? Our hospital actually had an in-house photograph that took a photos of Ace when he was just two days old. I didn’t realize that they offered this beforehand, but did read that Stephanie of Honey N Silk had this done when her son was born a few months before Ace. I will admit, though, that I was a bit skeptical of having these done — but looking back, it was the best decision. Nothing beats photos of those early days!
-Chelsea xo