With the newborn days officially behind us, I wanted to share all about our favorite products for baby and mom that really made those first few days and weeks that much easier for us. Reading these type of posts were one of my favorite pastime during my pregnancy (I’m such a planner/slightly OCD when it comes to being prepared). So from one momma to another (or momma to be, best friend, auntie, etc.), I hope you’re able to find something from my list that makes your days that much easier during such a special, tiresome, beautiful, healing and short time!
For Baby:
Snuggle Me Organic Baby Lounger: We started using our Snuggle Me Organic for lounging + resting shortly after we came home from the hospital. It was perfect for those days when Ace slept the majority of the day and I spent a lot of time sitting next to him, staring away. If you’re also looking for a baby registry friendly version, I hear the DockATot is a great alternative!
SwaddleMe Original Swaddle: These swaddles have velcro on them and make swaddling your little one so quick and easy. Before getting these we tried swaddling Ace with a regular muslin blanket, but these work so much better and keep your baby snug when they’re sleeping away!
Flannel Receiving Blankets & Muslin Blankets: You can never have enough blankets when you have a little one and these flannel and muslin blankets were some of our favorites. The flannel ones really served us well during the cold months shortly after Ace was born and the muslin ones are currently our favorite with the hot temps we’re having in Arizona. Depending on what time of year your baby is born in, one of these would be great option to add to your registry!
L’ovedbaby Unisex-Baby Organic Cotton Footed Overall: Ace lived in these footed pajamas when he was so tiny and fresh! I love these because they also come with convertible mitts, which is so important when your little one has those tiny, sharp nails.
Baby Beanies: Ace was born in early November and these beanies were a must for our every day. He’s since switched to baseball caps for the warmer months here in AZ, but I’m actually really excited to get him back in beanies come fall and winter!
Marpac Hushh Portable Sound Machine: We received this as a gift for or baby shower (I didn’t even think about putting one of these on our registry) and it was so great to have during those early days. We took it around everywhere with us and still use it in Ace’s room today.
BABYBJÖRN Bouncer Bliss Convertible Baby Bouncer: This bouncer was so handy when Ace was tiny! When we were needing a little hands free time and Ace was in a good mood, we would put him in here and bounce him gently. It’s also super lightweight and easy to move from room to room!
Uppababy VISTA Aluminum Frame Convertible Complete Stroller: Picking out a stroller is one of those things you dream about before you have a baby — and let me you, it’s just as fun as you thought it would be! 😉 Anyways, we chose the Uppababy VISTA stroller after reading so many reviews and giving it a test-go at our local Nordstrom. The bassinet portion was perfect to lay Ace in when we went out and about (Christmas shopping and checking in on Scott at our local markets in those early days). Today, Ace has outgrown the bassinet, but we still love this stroller and brought it with us to California recently!
NUNA PIPA Car Seat & Base: This carseat came highly recommended and was perfect for transporting baby Ace around in! Funny story — Scott and I thought the nurses we’re going to check our carseat before sending us on our way with our two day old baby (because that’s what everyone says they do)! Well, we quickly learned that they’re actually not allowed to check anything and we were left to figure out how to properly secure our little guy without any help. Thankfully, we had our carseat installed and checked out by our local fire department and they showed us how to get our little guy in. The process was still nerve-racking, though, but we did it and today we get him in and out like it’s nothing!
Fawn Design Diaper Bag: I know, I know — everyone has this diaper bag, but you guys — that’s because it’s so good! We’ve used this bag since day one and truly love it. It wipes clean easy and holds everything you need! We’ve since gotten a Trip Leader Bag and a Brookmont backpack from JJ Cole, both which are great bags, but the Fawn was our first!
Pampers Swaddlers Diapers + Seventh Generation Free & Clear Baby Wipes: These were our diapers and wipes of choice in the very beginning and the brands we’re still using today. We were grateful to be well stocked on diapers before Ace’s arrival and now diapers and wipes will always be my gift to other expecting parents, because not having to worry about these two essentials in the beginning is so, so nice.
Gathre Micro Changing Mat (in Ginger): Ya’ll, I LOVE our Gathre changing mat SO much! I bought it with the intention of using it in our diaper bag, but ended up loving it to use on top of our cloth covered changing pad. After a few humours accidents in the very beginning (pee EVERYWHERE) we learned that this mat made clean-up quick and easy.
Boppy Nursing Pillow + Extra Covers: While I was pregnant, I really couldn’t decided if I wanted/needed a Boppy. Having never breastfed before, the idea of needing a pillow to do just that seemed a bit silly. Well, a sweet friend bought me one for our baby shower and I am SO grateful she did. I loved using this during the early days to hold Ace so we could both rest and nurse comfortably. I would highly recommend getting one if you’re wavering like I was!
Tommee Tippee Bottles: These were our bottles of choice during the early days (we still use them, but have added a few other types to the mix since then). While I was only nursing in the beginning, these were so helpful in the transition to supplementing when Ace wasn’t gaining early on. I really want to share my whole breastfeeding journey soon, but that’s for another post!
BIBS Natural Rubber Baby Pacifier: We tried a few pacifiers before landing on these. The size seemed to fit Ace’s mouth best and are still a staple in our diaper bag.
Fridababy NoseFrida: The ultimate baby shower gift — the NoseFrida is truly a must have. The bulbs they give you in the hospital are great for surface snot, but the NoseFrida is the best for really giving your baby relief. Also, I promise it’s not as gross as you think! 😉
For Momma:
Comfy Robe & Night Gown: I knew I wouldn’t want to wear the hospital gown the whole time were in the hospital, so I bought this robe and night gown to wear after Ace was born. The gown was loose, comfy and the buttons made skin to skin and nursing easy. The robe was perfect for when we had visitors and for when I wanted an extra layer, but did want to pull up a blanket.
Disposable Breast Pads: You may not need these in the really early days, but they’re so handy to have while your milk supply is figuring itself out. I also have a set of washable breasts pads that are great, but these are easy to carry and toss if you’re on the go and starting to leak (it happens, mommas!).
Depend Silhouette Underwear for Women: Ok, this is the one item that I’m going to say you absolutely need! A friend of my suggested these to me before I had Ace and I still feel so thankful that she filled me in. Now, everyone’s body is so different so you may not need these for long but I found them so much more comfortable then wearing the giant pads they give you at the hospital.
Lululemon Align Pant: These were my go-to “pants” for a few weeks after having Ace. These were already my favorite leggings before I got pregnant, but I loved wearing them during (I even bought a bigger pair later on in my pregnancy) and especially afterward. They made me feel like I was dressed enough to go out, but were also comfortable enough that I could wear them lounging around post-delivery. They might be spendy, but they are SO worth it.
I hope this list help you in your baby prep or during those sweet, sweet newborn days. Looking back, those days went by SO quickly, but I have the fondest memories of tiny Ace and our transition to a family of three. I would love to hear what your newborn essentials included and if we have any of the same!
-Chelsea xo