The end of the year is nearly here and the days are just slipping on by! Like many folks, the holiday season is typically the busiest for us. Between working full-time, running our small business and chasing around our little one, I feel like I blink and the days are over. In order to stay on top of things and be ready to go at a moments notice, I’ve been packing our new Bosca bag every night with all the essentials we could possibly need! Knowing that a quality bag is key, I’m excited to be partnering with Zappos and Bosca to share a little bit about their family business and their amazing leather goods.

Being a small business owner is wild enough, but during the holidays things get 10x more crazy! Between November and December we typically we have anywhere from one to five pop-up markets during a week or weekend (we had five this past weekend and the one before that!), so being prepared is a must. Usually, Ace is coming along with Scott and I and he has become such a pro at being a market baby. He loves waving at our customers, playing with ornaments and having a few snacks from our favorite local vendors.

Knowing that we’ll be out of the house for a handful of hours, I always pack a bag full of all the things we’ll need. Lately, I’ve been grabbing for our Bosca backpack that is super durable, light-weight and made to last a lifetime. The brand is also a small, family business at heart, which makes it that much more special to us knowing we’re running our own. Stowed away in our backpack you’ll find all things for baby — diapers, wipes, a spare change of clothes, etc., and also snacks for the whole family, water and extra odds and ends of things we might need for our day at the market.

In terms of our schedule, you’ll generally find us popping up somewhere in the Valley of the Sun during November and December — Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Scottsdale, etc. This week we’ll be in Phoenix, Mesa and Gilbert across three days and even have pop-ups during the same time. If you’re local, come down to Phoestivus this Thursday, 12/12, to see Citizen Home Decor in action!

Now it’s your turn to share — what’s your holiday schedule looking like? Are you in need of a bag for all your holiday activities? Zappos currently has some rad Bosca styles in stock, so be sure to head on over to their section to check out their full collection! Did you guys also know that Zappos has a 365-day return policy and 24/7 customer service? Their site is honestly my favorite place to shop! I hope ya’ll have a lovely rest of your week — I can’t believe the new year is almost here, and I’ll be back soon!
-Chels xo