“The days are long but the years are short.” This quote has run true more in the past year than it has in my whole life. I feel like we blinked and 2019 was over. I’ll be honest in saying that these past 12 months were some of the toughest for me, surviving through the newborn stages of our little one (little to no sleep to be found), transitioning to being a full-time working mom (I am blessed with the best work family, though) and just learning all the ins and outs that come with a little one — our little one. This past year taught me more than any year has in the past and there will truly never be another like it. So we are kissing 2019 goodbye and saying hello to 2020 with our one year old in hand — ready for all that this next year sends our way!

I’m hoping for loads more of these cheesy smiles that are truly my favorite. Ace sure knows how to turn on the charm and make us all smile and giggle!

I’m also hoping for more slow moments where I can soak everything in. Ace has really be interested in books lately and I can’t wait to share with him some of my favorites from growing up. Did anyone else read Three Little Kittens? I had it in a book and audio form and I could listen to the audio over and over for hours and and hours. My moms till tells me how I did just this during a road trip from California and Montana. I guess we’ll see if Ace does the same one day!

These two are just the best of friends. Ace is truly Scott’s mini me and loves making things just like this dad. For his birthday we got him this workbench from Crate and Barrel and he will stand there banging away for hours and hours. Scott and I have big hopes that he’ll take over the family business one day! 😉

Outfit Details: Doen O’Keeffe Top & Madewell Classic Straight Jeans.
While the boys work away, I’ve been working on re-defining my style. I’ve really missed sharing my daily outfits around here and I’m hoping to do more of that in the coming months. In all honesty, I’m still trying to figure out this new body of mine that isn’t the same than it was once before (and that’s totally ok). I am hoping to dedicated a bit more time to investing in my health and getting my body back down to my pre-baby weight, just so I feel better. Fourteen months later and I’m realizing even more how everything happens in it’s own way and time and that your body truly is amazing. I swear I look at Ace every day and can hardly believe he was once growing inside of me. It’s so beautiful what our bodies can do!

This toothy grin is my everything! I swear he knows exactly how to melt my heart and show off for the camera all at once, haha.

Here’s to the new year and all the joy it brings!