If you would have told me two years ago, in the thick of postpartum, that I would still be a tired mom when Ace hit two years old I would have said – yikes and also, I knew it was coming. Thinking back, a restful night sleep went away very early on into my pregnancy. Over the months of growing our little boy, my sleep dwindled down to what seemed minutes and then when he was born – any time that I did seem to fall asleep (I had terrible night sweats and postpartum anxiety) our sweet baby woke up to either feed or just hang out (we watched so many Christmas movies and YouTube videos during this time). Looking back, I hardly know how I made it through the days with three, maybe four hours of sleep (aren’t moms incredible?!). With a hungry boy who was not a great sleeper and a mom who also dealt with her own sleep issues, we were surely a match made in heaven (truly, even with the sleeping issues).
As the days and months went on, the amount of hours we all slept a night got *a little* better, but it wasn’t truly until Ace turned a year old that I felt like we were actually able to get a full nights rest. Scott and I took the nights as a team, which looking back, made for two very tired parents, but we did it together and it was the right choice for us. Most nights, Ace would make his way back to our bed after waking up in his crib and instead wanting to be close to us – I can’t blame him, because it’s exactly what I felt like my heart needed as well.
And today, it’s just about the same nearly 26 months in! Ace will occasionally sleep in his crib through the night, but most nights – he ends up back in bed with us and that’s perfectly ok. I share all of this to say that when it comes to motherhood and sleeping babies, you truly have to do what’s right for you. It’s ok that you didn’t read the book or bought the speedy e-course – you did what was right for you and your baby, and that’s what matters most. I may still be tired, but it’s just the season we’re in and that gives me a lot of comfort and I hope hearing does for you too — whether you’re in this season of life, gearing up for this time to come soon or not planning on it happening for awhile. The journey of motherhood deserves a lot of more encouragement and I’m here to do just that!
-Chels xo