With any new art medium, there is always going to be a learning curve. Other than my recent fling with my Canon AE-1 (35mm film), polaroids and Instax minis, I haven’t spent much time shooting film since high school. I, like so many other students, took photography in high school so I could learn about the dark room and so something creative during school hours (I was terrible at painting and not into sports). Since my high school photography classed wrapped in — err — 2004? I’ve continued to shoot photos almost every single day since, only this time via a digital format. I wouldn’t call myself a photographer, but I’ve dabbled in different camera brands, shot with different lenses and only used my camera in manual for man years. Digital photography feels comfortable to me and film was something that felt oh so out of my comfort zone, which is why I decided to do it!

In the spring of 2020 I purchased my first medium format film camera off an eBay, an old Pentax 645 from Japan with the help of two amazing friends/film photographers (thank you, Kelsey and Michael Cowley). The camera shipped quickly and before I know it I was purchasing 120 film (Kodak Portra 400 has been my go-to) and getting ready to shoot my first few snaps. Loading the the film was next and the process was quite a bit different than loading 35mm film, so I searched around on YouTube and found a handy video that walked me through the process seamlessly. My camera came was a built in light meter (for when shooting in automatic), so I used it at my guide for shooting in manual.
My first roll felt a bit like a mixed bag — a few goods shots here and there, but overall shaky, the focusing being a bit off and slightly off in tone. My most favorite shot of the bunch is the first photo in this post – my guys in their element among the bougainvillea.

Even thought this first batch had a few mishaps, getting it back from the lab felt uplifting and like a hug surprise! That’s simultaneously the best and worst part about film photography – you just don’t know exactly what you’re going to get until it’s processed.

Today, nearly a year later, I have more than a dozen rolls under my belt and feel like I’ve come along way since this first roll. I feel like I know my camera better, know how hold myself a little firmer when shooting (having the correct shutter speed also helps too) and am finally feel like I’m at a place where the majority of the photos turn out and not the other way around. Now that I have my first roll out there, I’ll be following up with more of my recent shots and peeks into the past few months. I also have two rolls currently waiting to be sent out to Goodman Film Lab (my go-to lab of choice) and I’ve been trying to wait for a third, but I just might have to send them on their way — it’s that patience thing, right?

I would love to hear if you shoot film or are intersted in learning more! I still feel very novice at this, but I have lucky to know so many incredible film photographers and would love to piont you in their direction!
-Chels xo