
Long, long day.


It’s been a few days so let me catch you up.

 Thursday my cousin Jared and I road a tram car up the side of a very steep mountain to an amusement park/cave that sits on the very top. Once at the top we bought tickets to ride the luge slide, which goes down the side of the mountain and pulls you back up to the top, and to go through the human maze which wasn’t really that funny but pretty scary in the rain. Afterwards we browsed around the gift shop for a bit and Jared bought a cute necklace for his girlfriend. We decided to leave and take the next tram car down. We ended up having lunch at this sandwhich shops with my mom and her friend at this place called Chomp’s that I thought would be awesome (I love Chompies so why wouldn’t Chomp’s be bad?). Well turns out Chomp’s was a dirty shack and I regret picking there to eat. You live and learn though, live and learn. They rest of the day was filled with work and lots of rain.
Yesterday Jared, my mom, and I went downtown to look around the festival that was going on in the park. Not everything was set up yet so we just ended up getting lunch at a greek food booth. We had greek salad and baklava (organic!) and it was amazing! Later that day Jared and I hit up Starbucks (I’m getting him addicted to those strawberries and cream fraps (soo bad for you but he’s a growing boy and can handle the calories))  and I did some more work for my parents. Also, John Scott went to see mewithoutYou at The Clubhouse and I am very jealous because I’ve never seen them live, well maybe a song or two when we went to see them, Thrice, and Brand New but I can’t remember if we actually got to see any of their set. I wish I could have been there with him.
Now today was a very, very long day. I worked the entire day and was super busy. I had a few melt downs, of my own, and didn’t have much time to relax. John went to a wedding of wonderful couple/old friend of ours in downtown Phoenix. I desperately wish I could have been there. However, he was a good boyfriend and gave me all the details and sent me pictures of the reception during the reception. He also told me how he can’t wait until we can do that too (have a wedding), which made me a very happy girl. Just to read those words brightened up my whole night. I would love to be married in the next four years. John and I will both be 25/almost 25 and established in our lives. Eeeck, I can’t wait.
Ok, getting up in the morning and going back downtown to the festival and getting some coffee.