
Wondddderful weekend!


  I just want to start off by saying that this weekend has been wonderful! Here is the recap:

  Friday morning Scott and I had our weekly morning coffee together at Three Roots. Usually we go to Cartel, but lately it’s been so busy there so we decided that Three Roots would be fun to go to for a change. Scott arrived a few minutes before I did and had already ordered. After reviewing the menu for a few moments I decided to have my usually, a regular non-fat latte, and after I ordered the barista told me that a certain young man had already paid for it. All I have to say is that I have the sweetest boyfriend, and that he knows me too well. Anyways, after we got our drinks and sat down I gave Scott the silly stress ball that I had made for him at the Wellness fair at my school on Thursday. He thought it was cute and I decided that it would be fun to play with it while we talked. Turns out that was a bad idea because about fifteen minutes later I ended up with a cup filled with 1/2 latte, and 1/2 stress ball! Oops! Scott did help me clean up the mess I made though and ultimately no harm was done!
The rest of my morning/early afternoon was spent at my internship writing a few bulletins/columns for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering website. After I was done with my internship at one I headed to Scott’s house where we made a yummy grilled cheese and tomato soup lunch! It was delicous! 
A few hours later we decided that it would be fun to bake Scott’s dad cupcakes for his birthday, which is today, and decorate them like monsters/vampires/flowers/silly things. The results:
  We had a lot of fun making these, and I even got to wear the lovely apron that my love made for me a few weeks ago! It worked out so well!
  After we finished the cupcakes, we drove downtown to First Fridays! For those of you who are not from Phoenix, First Fridays is a local art walk that happens every first friday of every month. Anyways, since we got there a little late the parking was HORRIBLE and we decided to just park in my parking garage for school (for free) and walk the few blocks to where most of the vendors/galleries are on Roosevelt. Lindsay, Brian, and baby Em joined us as well! Scott and I had a lot of fun holding Em and showing him things!
  This was probably the best thing we saw all night! Monsters of Folk coming to life on the side wall of an art gallery! I see M. Ward coming along! :]
 Around an hour later we all decided to go down to Mill Avenue so that we could walk around Oktoberfest and go to the Mill’s End poetry slam (favvv thing to do on a friday night!). 
  Overall the night was a lot of fun and I was very, very tired at the end of it.
 On to Saturday:
  This morning I woke up bright and early and was down at Gina’s apartment by 8:30. Gina invited me to go to a yoga class with her on campus the night before and I decided that I should give yoga another try (I’ve been a handful of times, but last time I went I had a horrible time and was miserable through it). Anyways, the class ended up being a lot of fun and afterwards we got coffee/tea at Three Roots.
 The rest of the morning/early afternoon was spent cleaning/doing homework/getting ready for the day. After Scott got off of work at 2 I headed over to his place. By this time I wasn’t feeling too well so we kind of took it slow for a few hours. We did end up at Scott’s nanas’ house and ate homemade brownies and chit-chatted for a bit.
  Tonight we went to Nero’s Gyros and got food to go (mmmm veggie pita!). We also ended up at Target with Lindsay, Brian and baby Em, and at the Chandler mall so that we could go to Forever 21 and Nordstroms. We didn’t end up leaving with anything but we had fun looking.
  And now I’m here, severely tired and slightly hungry. Tomorrow will be filled with homework and hopefully some coffee (pumpkin spice please!).
  Before I go though I just wanted to say that today I was the lucky winner of this beautiful necklace made by the lovely Jaelynn. This is the second blog giveaway I’ve won this week! I feel so incredibly lucky, and so blessed. Thank you so much to Jaelynn and to Danielle again. I am so excited to finally receive some “happy mail”! 
See the beautiful necklace that I won! Ecck! So excited to get it :]
Oh, and I think everyone should check out Jaelynn’s adorable blog and etsy shop! She’s really into estate sales and vintage finds and her blog posts are always so cute/inspiring!
Ok, time for bed!
Night night!
Chels xoxo