
My day/internship info/what kind of car do you drive?

  Today has been a busy, busy day.
  This morning I went to two classes, ate lunch/met a new friend, went to my advisement meeting to discuss classes for next semester, and went to my last class where I turned in an article that caused much stressed. After class I went to Starbucks on Washington where Gina Marie made me the best skinny vanilla latte in the new red cups. The rest of the evening was spent working on the lamest case analysis for Media Ethics that is due tomorrow. I also took a break and went with my mom to Tempe Marketplace to get salad from Salad A La Carte and a pomegranate non-dairy smoothie.
  Scott had work until eight tonight so I didn’t end up seeing him today, which is always a bummer, but I’m looking forward to spending time with him tomorrow and going on a bike ride!
Anyways, silly photos? Oh yes!

Mmmmm smoothie! I never drink smoothies! At least it was a healthy one.
My SVL! 
  Also, I thought I might post a few links to some of the articles that I’ve written for ASU/the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. Just in case any of you ever wondered what I did at my internship.
  Lastly, for some reason I always wonder what kind of cars people drive. For myself I feel that my car is an extension of myself, and the place I feel is most mine. Anyways, I wanted to ask a few questions that anyone and everyone could answer. 
The questions are:
What kind of car do you drive?
What do you love about your car?
Do you have a picture of you and your car that you would like to share (leave a link!)?
What is your dream car?
My answers are:
-I drive a pearl white ’08 Mazda3 hatchback
-I love that my car has a hatchback! It makes putting my bike in my car so much easier.

Right after I got my car in October of 2007.

Amanda and I having fun right after I got my car!
Dream carrrr<3>

I think this could be something fun that everyone could enjoy, so if you read my blog please participate :]
Ps I kind of miss my shorter bangs. Maybe I should cut them short again?
-Chels xoxo