
Hi Fall /// I’m Back!


Welcome Fall, I am so glad that you are finally here.
On another note, I am so sorry that I have been MIA the last few days. With a mixture of flu like symptoms, stomach pain, and heartburn, a girl doesn’t want to do much. I’ve been barely making it to school, and even had to leave my internship early yesterday (sadly). However, today I am feeling much better (even though that pesky stomach pain is still lingering around) and I WILL do those things I haven’t felt well enough to do the last few days i.e. blog, get things ready for class today, and eat breakfast.
Now, on a lighter note, my mom decided to Google me last night and easily found my Twitter and decided to recite all of my tweets to me (I’m pretty sure I had someone do something similar early in the day i.e. Colin from SPM). Lets just say that I was slightly embarrassed…
Ok, time to get ready for class and celebrate the first day of Fall!
Hope you all have a lovely day!