
A Snowy Secret

Yesterday morning the snow was coming down extra wet, but somehow it felt warmer than the icy stuff we had been getting. I took advantage of this “warmness” and worn only one jacket outside (a big difference from the past few days).
Headband: Goodie
Jacket: Nordstroms Rack
Shirt: H&M
Gloves: Target
Pants: Levi’s
Socks: Target
Boots: Steve Madden
Today I took a little me time, which included a walk in the snow down to a local shopping plaza, a hot soy latte from Starbucks, and some people watching. Since we are in Vail during the busy season there are so many people in town. While hanging out at Starbucks I heard some of the prettiest accents from all over the world!
I think it’s safe to say that I’ve been having so much fun taking these photos. The snow in Vail is absolutely beautiful, and the change of scenery has been a lot of fun for my outfit choices, and my photo taking. Things are so different in Vail compared to Phoenix, and the cold is really starting to grow on me (although, I do prefer 60 degree weather rather than 30!).
While in Vail I’ve learned that thick socks are totally necessary in cold weather. In Phoenix I don’t really worry about my feet getting too cold, or wet, but in Vail I am very conscious of how warm my feet are. They do say if your feet and head (that’s why I’ve been wearing that knit hat every where) are warm, than your whole body will stay warm.

Ok, I have a little secret to tell. This grey jacket is actually from the Eclipse BP collection. I bought it on sale for $10 at Nordstroms racket about a month ago because it was so cozy, and well, because I thought it was kind of cute, in that fangirl kind of way.

Colorado has been good to me, but I’m ready to go home. See you very soon Phoenix, and Colorado, I will miss your beautiful snow and cold weather.

The snow has been very inspiring to me lately. What has been inspiring you?