
Watson’s Flowers

Growing up I always passed this little old flower shop that had an amazing vintage sign, and the wear and the tear on the outside to prove it had been opened since 1927. Since spring is in the air (it’s been in the 70’s here!), Scott and I thought it would be fun to make a stop there to admire the quaint building and their pretty flowers.
Dress: Nordstrom’s Rack; Black microfiber tights: c/o We Love Colors; Boots: Steve Madden
Cardigan: Banana Republic; Button shirt: Vintage/was my dad’s; Jeans: Levi’s; Shoes: Sperry’s
Growing up I always adored this little flower shop, Watson’s to be exact, and always went there when I was in need of flowers for a special occasion. I definitely got my prom corsage there. For Valentine’s Day Scott bought me my pretty sunflowers from there. I really love the ideas of buying flowers locally, and it’s just a bonus that the shop is so cute.
Since winter isn’t officially over I’m still holding onto dark winter looks, even though my outfit had no sleeves and I didn’t have a cardigan on. However, I feel like dark colors are really just a part of my personal style and something I wear all year long. In the spring though it is fun to bring in some lighter colors for good measure.
These shoes were an amazing score at Last Chance! Blue (er, greyish) suede shoes baby!

For spring I would love to make a few light colored purchases. I’ve been dreaming about making some vintage purchases at Mercantile and Butter Toast Boutique. I see some bright prints and colors in my near future!

What’s your favorite flower shop? What’s your favorite flower?
