
Arizona Blogger Meetup: Part 4


The final post on the Arizona Blogger Meet-up is here!

After we finished up at Frances and Smeeks, some of us headed down to Aloft Hotel to freshen up and relax a little bit before the dinner.
I really didn’t get many pictures from this transition time, but I found these two photos on the Arizona Blogger Meet-up Flickr Group. Thank you Kristen and Karie D!
When we got to the restaurant a few people were already there. At this point I didn’t want to sit down, but instead hung out most everyone got there. I really wanted to be a good hostesses, and tried my best to visit everyone as they came in.
Once I did sit down I sat in a rounded table with a handful of the girls (Scott and Kelsey’s husband Jim sat with us as well. Promise we didn’t leave them out!).

After I ate some of the delicious salad and pizza that we had set up buffet style for the meet-up, I made my way around spending time with some of the sweetest ladies.
I was so excited to chat with Angela for a little bit. She is so sweet, and I absolutely admire her for all the hard work she has put into her company SeeSaw Designs.
I also had a nice time talking with Emily (although it was too brief). She’s a Tucson blogger and it was so nice to finally meet her. I am hoping that we can meet-up or coffee and lunch sometime soon.

I had such a good time hanging out with Britney during the day and at the dinner. She is such a sweet lady, and I just love her spunky attitude. I can’t wait to hang out with her again!
The whole night seem to go by so fast, but I had such a nice time meeting and hanging everyone! Scott took this photo of myself and so many sweet Mesa ladies when the dinner was wrapping up.
After the dinner was over a few of us went down to Mojo Yogurt for a late night sweet treat. Scott got us some cherry cordial froyo with chocolate sprinkles and chocolate covered raisins! It was such a good mix and I felt bad for eating most of it. I guess I didn’t eat enough at the dinner (too busy and excited).

I feel like I can’t finish these posts without saying that this meet-up wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Danielle and Kelsey. We all worked so hard, and each of us had our own part. We worked so well together as a team, and I am so lucky to have them as friends. Thank you Danielle and Kelsey! Love you girls!