Happy April!
Scott and I are spending the weekend in Yuma, Ariz. with my family, but I still wanted to update you all on what I’ve been up to this week. Oh, and don’t forget to check out all my lovely new sponsors!
The other day I broke out of my comfort zone and wore almost all light colored clothing. Generally I always have to have something dark on it, whether it be dark jeans, dark colored shirt, or cardigan. For some reason though I was a little springy and light and decided to pair some of the lightest pieces of clothing I own together (kind of a big stretch if I do say so myself).
Flower headband: Maie Dae; Cardigan: gift from my mom; Sweet as Pie t-shirt: c/o Dressing on the Side; Cords: J Crew; flats: Target.
Scott could really tell that I took the extra effort this day, and complimented my ensemble multiple times throughout the day. I am pretty sure that means this outfit is a winner in his book, and is something I will be trying to re-create throughout the season.

I purchased this pretty headband from Maie Dae back in December and instantly fell in love with it when I opened the cute package it was placed in. I’ve worn it a few times since I got it, but really felt like it was the perfect addition to this light outfit.
This shirt reminds me of this amazing pie place about 45 minutes outside of Phoenix. I’ve been stopping at this middle of nowhere restaurant/pie shop for years, and always love making a trip up there for pecan and fruit pies. Right now I don’t have any reason to drive so far just for pie, so if you know any good places to get pie in the Phoenix Metropolitan area pass them along to me please!
This week I’ve been busy with school, blogging about the Arizona Blogger Meet-up, and getting ready to come to Yuma. Scott and I have been so busy lately, and I don’t see things slowing down anytime soon. I don’t mind though! I am so happy with my life and I wouldn’t have things any other way!
What would you call your outfit comfort zone? And what’s not in your comfort zone?