
An interview with Jess of The Doe Or The Deer


Today we have a lovely interview with Jess of The Doe Or The Deer. I met Jess at the Arizona Blogger Meet-up and just loved how funny and sweet she was. She made me laugh with her jokes about me making her photos too pretty (silly lady), and her little boy Ezra was just the sweetest thing (he was SO good during the whole meet-up and always had the biggest smile on his tiny face). I am so excited to feature her today in my weekly interview!

Meet Jess:

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

-I’m Jess, a 29 year old stay at home mother of 2, Ezra and Zoe and the wife of my husband, Derek, who is the drummer in the metal band, Bleeding Through. Before becoming a mother, I had a strong career in retail, that included being a buyer and creative merchandiser for stores. My blog, The Doe Or The Deer, is a conglomerate of mommyblogger meets fashion enthusiast meets lifestyle blogger that tends to curse to much, with no apologies. I’ve been told I “keep it real”… Hopefully thats a good thing..

I also have a fashion, decor and design inspiration blog, The-Doe.tumblr.com

2. What got you interested in blogging, and how long have you been blogging for?

-I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was 14. It was always a creative and intimate outlet for me. When I decided to start a blog, I knew nothing of the giant blogosphere and wrote just about my daily happenings, thoughts on politics, pregnancy, my battle with postpartum depression, mixed with outfit posts. As the past 4 years have gonet by my “audience” grew, which became a sort of support system. My blog has definitely evolved through time, but I have kept true to my original writing style.

3. Can you tell us about your style?

-Is “eclectic” the nice word for “hot mess”? 😉 I honestly have no clue what my style is, but I do know what I like and don’t like. Looking at past outfit photos, I seem to be a little bit country and a little bit rock-n-roll. Boots play a huge role in my wardrobe. I’m also a sucker for floral prints and mixing it with the unexpected to toughen it up.

4. You’re the momma to the sweetest little boy and little girl! How do you think being a mom has affected your style?

-My style hasn’t really changed, but my budget totally has. So now, I’m much more cautious of what I do splurge on and what I can pinch my pennies with. I’ve realized you don’t need to spend over $50 for a great pair of jeans and trendy accessories should remain cheap, but a fantastic, “feel good” dress… PRICELESS.

5. What are your favorite trends for spring?

-Wide leg jeans! They are a blessing for “large reared” ladies, like myself. Skinny jeans are great, but certainly not the most flattering. Plus, I’ve always liked a 70’s vibe in fashion.

6. When you’re not busy blogging, what can you be found doing?

-My family and I love to travel. Wether it’s to a show my husband is playing or just a Sunday drive up the mountain, we love to get up and go! And when I’m not in the car, I’m painting or taking photos. My first love is art.

7. With regards to fashion, what do you draw inspiration from?

-Fellow bloggers play a huge role of inspiration. I am a sucker for style blogs and can scour them for hours. With that being said, I don’t like the very “obviously trendy” fashion blogs. Its always some avant-garde, expensive and pretentious outfit, that has been over thought. I like real girls, with just a natural ability to style themselves and are uniquely gorgeous.

A few of my favorites are:






*I wish I could give you my complete list, but that be a never ending!

8. If you had to pick one outfit to wear the rest of your life, what would it look like?

-A classic shaped dress in a fun/unique print, paired with worn in cowboy boots and a denim jacket would make me one happy lady for the rest of my life.

9. I’ve noticed that you participate in “Steppin’ Out Saturday.” What do you like about this fun feature, and why do you participate?

-Mandy, at Harpers Happenings, is a gem and to be a part of anything she does is fun. And who doesn’t like to document the few times you actually put something other than yoga pants on?! I also love to see how other mama’s dress… It’s the creepy voyeur in me, I suppose.

10. Do you have any advice for aspiring bloggers? What about someone interested in revamping their momma style?

-Write what YOU like. Don’t buy into the hype of how to be a “successful” blogger, with the “do’s” and the “don’ts”. Do what works for you, without coming across contrived and forced. My mantra? It’s my blog and I do what I want.

When it comes to revamping your “mama style”, ACCESSORIZE LADIES! Seriously, statement rings and necklaces can take a plain button up shirt to the next level. Also get outfits that you can build on. Start with basic shirts and dresses, but add vests, belts, scarves, floral pins to mix it up and not become so… Mom-ish? Also invest in a great red lipstick. Don’t be scared, just do it!

Thank you so much Jess for doing this interview with me. Don’t forget to check out Jess’s blog, and also her Twitter page for some daily doses of momma talk, sass (in the best way), and fun peeks into her life.
