
My Personal Barista

The other day Scott and I visited his mom and the coffee shop that she works at. Scott was feeling a little nostalgic and decided to go behind the espresso machine and make us a few drinks.

Scott and I met at a coffee shop that he used to work at, and he made me a blended coffee drink the very first night met. Throughout the beginning years of our relationship (crazy I can say that, as we’re already going on five years), and I always loved visiting him at work and drinking amazing coffee drinks that he would come up with for me.

I felt a bit nostalgic watching him grind the beans, pull the lever, dump them into the tamper, put the tamper into the machine and watch the espresso as it poured out. He made me one of my favorite drinks (an iced americano) and it was a sweet moment to watch him make it.
Always testing to make sure it’s good for me:
Scott is such a wonderful, sweet man and I appreciate so much all the little and big things he does for me in our life. He is so good to me, and I am so lucky to have him in my life. Love you John Scott.
What are you thankful for in your life?