
Chelsea Jean


Yesterday was quite the busy day. I got ready a little later than I usually do, stopped by my local Coffee Bean (a little late as well), had lunch with Scott, headed downtown for class, shot these photos about five hours later, did a phone interview with the sweetest lady, and went over to Courtney’s apartment for a little Illustrator help and to chat about blogging and such. It sure was a full day, but I enjoyed it (even though the stress of the day got to me a few times, I knew it was nothing that couldn’t be smoothed out).

Jean jacket: Levi’s; Grey top: Khols; Floral skirt: Nordstroms; Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs; Amethyst microfiber, footless tights: c/o We Love Colors; Silver flats; Gap

For the past few years I have been in search of two things: one being a leather jacket that fits just right, and two, the perfect jean jacket. When I was growing up I had a dark jean jacket from Levi’s that I remember loving. Not too long ago I found it in a box and was heartbroken when it didn’t fit (too big), but that just made my mission for the perfect jean jacket seem that much more urgent (seeing my old duds seriously light a fire underneath me). So when I found this one at my local Levi’s store, I just knew it had to be mine (we’ll call it an early birthday present).

I really felt wonderful in this outfit. The colors just seemed to all work together (I love the look and feel of my We Love Colors tights), and the jean jacket just felt like me. Do you ever put on something and just know it’s you? I usually feel that way about cardigans, and skinny jeans, but it was nice to put on something you hadn’t worn in years and get that feeling where you just know the garment works perfect with your style (jean is my middle name, well, not really, but it should be).
While out shooting these photos Scott and I also snapped a couple of photos of myself in my cap and gown for my college graduation. I wanted a little photo of myself in my graduation entire to send along with my announcements. Scott and I were joking around about doing an outfit post out of the photos, but now it’s something I’m seriously considering for the big day (and what’s underneath the gown, of course).
This morning I plan on picking up my favorite iced coffee from Lola Coffee, going to my Photojournalism class, and then meeting up with Danielle and little Henry for lunch and a little chat. It’s going to be a great day!
What’s the one item that you just put on, or see and say “this is so me”? Are you a jean jacket fan? What are you up to today?