
Sun Drenched Arches


It’s September! I am so excited that this month is finally here! Since it doesn’t officially get to be fall approved temperatures in Phoenix until late October, I’ve decided that September is the official start of fall for myself. I’m so looking forward to pumpkin spice lattes, lots of layers, warm colors, pretty sceneries, and the hope of cooler temperatures.

Early this week Scott and I went to Joe’s Farm Grill for some grilled cheese and bbq. The farm grill sits on the beautiful Agritopia community, so while we were waiting for our food we took a little walk through their darling gardens.

The sun was setting and the colors of the sun drenched grape leaves were putting me in the best mood for fall. It really is true what you hear about these Arizona sunsets, they are definitely the most beautiful ones in world.
Awhile back the sweet folks at Emerging Thoughts sent me this beautiful Jasper and Quartz heart necklace. The stones making the heart are beautiful, and I just love the length of the delicate chain. It’s also handmade, and one of a kind! I think it would look darling layered with some chunky knits and pretty sweaters for fall!

Today I would also like to announce that I am now officially a freelance blogger/writer for The Phoenix New Times’ culture blog, Jackalope Ranch. I’m very excited about this new endeavor, and can’t wait to get a few posts under my belt! If you’re a reader, keep your eyes peeled for my posts coming soon!

While out taking these photos Scott and I spotted a few areas in Gilbert we want to explore more! There are so many cute farms and farming areas out there! Do any of you know of any good spots in Gilbert that would be worth checking out?
Outfit details:
Top: Levi’s
Jasper and Quartz Heart Necklace: c/o Emerging Thoughts
Jeans: Levi’s
Sandals: Saltwater Sandals
What are you excited for in September?
-Chelsea XO