
An interview with Katie of Katiecupcake


Today we have a lovely interview with Katie of Katiecupcake! Katie is a sweet momma of two, and spends her days caring for her littles, creating pretty crafts, blogging, and dressing up in some of the cutest outfits I’ve ever seen!

Meet Katie:

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

-My name is Katie. I’m a 23 year old stay at home mom to two littles, Paisley Jane and Riley Jack. I enjoy blogging, shopping, crafting, playing with plastic cameras, and dressing up. I am obsessed with shoes, decorating my house, vintage furniture, stripes, and pockets in dresses, and my geeky husband, Steven.

2. What got you interested in blogging, and how long have you been blogging for?

-I think I started blogging around Christmas 2007, just after my daughter was born, as cliche as that is. I first started blogging because my older sister’s friend had a blog and it made me laugh a lot. It also made sense to document our life, since I didn’t get around to scrapbooking everything right away. [And especially now that I haven’t scrapbooked anything in almost 2 years.]

3. Can you tell us about your style?

-I have a difficult time pin pointing my personal style but the majority of the time I lean towards rocker chic, I suppose. I definitely like black, spikes and studs, pops of color, and a bold or strong shoe. However, there are some days where I’m more hippie and feminine. And some days I mix and match. Those are my favorite. I also have a tendency to get flat out obsessed with certain things, and will think about nothing else for weeks. I also love completely impractical garments, like feather skirts. So I just admire those from afar.

4. You’re a very crafty lady at heart. What are some of your favorite crafts to do?

-I love felt crafts, like making faux polaroid Christmas ornaments or pretend food for Paisley to play with. I also love crocheting, and scrapbooking. I enjoy embroidery immensely, and love to surprise my husband with different embroidered love notes.

5. What are your favorite trends for fall?

-I love the 60s mod trend, bright colors, leather, ascot blouses, and bordeaux. Being a native Arizonian turned Marylander, I’m also really crazy about the glam faux fur trend for fall! I’m currently dying over a pair of Prada boots that are covered in fur [which my husband refuses to buy me, haha!] and a ridiculous pink shaggy faux fur coat from TopShop. I am also super excited about the “borrowed from the boys” trend, like schoolboy blazers and oxfords. I love oxfords.

6. When you’re not busy blogging, what can you be found doing?

-Playing or reading to my littles. Honestly, I sit on the floor more than anywhere else. On the days when their naps line up, I am usually cleaning up our fun messes, or working on a craft project. When my husband gets home from work, he usually is fine letting me have “me” time to listen to an audiobook while I work on something fun.

7. With regards to fashion, what do you draw inspiration from?

-Oh goodness! I can get inspiration from anything, from an color combination seen in a house tour to pictures I find while googling inspiration for Paisley and Riley’s upcoming birthday party. I really love reading other personal style blogs, although I do have to be careful that I stick to my own style. I have a bunch of clothes that I liked on other people, that aren’t “me” but made it in my shopping bag somehow. But luckily that hasn’t happened in a long time. I also love watching fashion shows on YouTube and their respective websites, especially Alexander McQueen shows before he died. He knew how to put on a show! My favorite designers are Alexander McQueen, Betsey Johnson, Vivienne Westwood, Miu Miu [mostly for shoes], Marc by Marc Jacobs, Burberry, See by Chloe, Alice and Olivia, and Orla Kiely.

8. If you had to pick one outfit to wear the rest of your life, what would it look like?

-This is the hardest question ever! I think I’d wear a pair of skinny jeans, some sort of super comfy band shirt [black], a statement jacket [I’m always freezing, except in Arizona summers], chunky necklace, a cuff for my arm, and a pair of sky high heels. Okay! I’m going with that answer before I change my mind. [I asked my husband what I should answer and he said “Alexander McQueen.”]

9. You’re a momma of two sweet littles! How do you think becoming a mom has changed your style, if so?

-Oh my. My style changed sooo much while I was pregnant with Paisley, and especially afterward. Before I was pregnant, I was wearing rock concert shirts, like TOOL and Marilyn Manson, with skinny jeans, lots of black eyeliner, and Chuck converse. While I was pregnant, I became so worried with the world I was going to be raising a child in that I switched to pastels and baby doll tops [mostly out of practicality]. I went on a nesting craze, and threw out all of my old rock shirts, much to my regret now. After Paisley, I was completely about ruffles and “sweet” clothes. I wanted her to be raised in a world without anything bad. It was weird. After a while, I started wearing black again, and felt like myself. Then came the skull necklaces and Betsey Johnson shirts, only to become pregnant again. With Riley, I definitely stuck more to my style, which made it faster to return back to “normal” after having him. I think my “rocker chic” style is here to stay. I felt so strange wearing the pastels and baby doll tops, like I was getting dressed from someone else’s closet for 3 years.

10. Do you have any advice for aspiring lifestyle and fashion bloggers? What about for someone searching for inspiration for fall crafts?

-I would have to say my best advice, is just keep posting. It doesn’t matter if some people judge you for what you wear or how you live you life. Heaven knows I’ve had a lot of people hate on me for the way I parent and the fact that I sometimes come off as “goth” to them. But being worried about who you are shows through, and mean people will see that. You should be confident in who you are, even if you’re still trying to find your style. If you like something, blog it! Other people will see your confidence and enjoy coming back. Also, it’s not a competition with other lifestyle and fashion bloggers. There is no reason to compare yourself to other blogs. It’s hard sometimes, trust me, but every blog is different and that’s what makes blogging and reading other blogs fun.

Thank you so much for doing this interview, Katie! Don’t forget to check out Katie’s blog for peeks into her daily life and pretty outfits!

-Chelsea XO