
Moments in Light


The last few days have been packed with wonderful outings. I plan on sharing them all with you very soon, but for now I wanted to share these two photos with you that Scott and I took while in downtown Phoenix, right next to this historic building that currently houses the Phoenix Design Museum.

Even though they are quite dark, I’m still in love with them. In a little over a week we will have been a couple for five years. I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone by. I know I’ve said this before, but it’s so true. I’m so thankful for Scott’s love, and I can’t imagine my life without him.
Today we are heading out to Maker Faire in downtown Phoenix, and hopefully stopping by NachoBot (Jobot Coffee’s new shop) for some yummy nachos.
What are you up to today? What are you thankful for?
-Chelsea XO