
Morning Lola Date

Going on morning coffee dates are my absolute favorite. I love waking up early, driving down to Phoenix, and spending time with my love in my favorite coffee shop.
So a few days ago, that is exactly what we did.

Scott is new to the Instagram world and is really digging it. You can find him at @john_scott (and me at @chelseabirdd ).
This morning we shared an iced coffee, and also got a bran muffin and cookie. I only ended up trying the muffin, but it was soooo yummy. Lola has a new baker (a friend of Scott and I’s), so their pastries are super amazing now. If you’re local and haven’t checked out Lola lately, I highly suggest you do so. Get a pastry!
It really was a great morning together. I cherish those quiet moments, sipping ice coffee together, so incredibly much!
Today I have to start on two of my four final papers for grad school. Can you believe the semester is already almost over? Oh my!
What are your plans for today?
-Chelsea xo