
Miss Delaney


I remember the first time I listened to Jack’s Mannequins’ Everything In Transit. I was a diehard Something Corporate fan, and was devastated when I found out that out that the lead singer, Andrew McMahon, was diagnosed with Leukemia. So when the album was released, it was a sign of hope, one that I try and carry with me as a reminder to life’s ups and downs. It’s also terribly catching and now, almost seven years after its release, I can still sing every word to every song.

The weather here is still having its ups and downs as well, and I tend to always opt to layering more than maybe is necessary to avoid being cold. Some of the buildings at ASU can get awfully chilly, and if I get too cold my body just wants to down and relax (which doesn’t work for me right now, as I have a stack of grad papers to work on! oh man!). Anyways, no matter what the season, I will always love a good layered outfit.

What are you up to today? Are you a Something Corporate or a Jack’s Mannequin fan? XO
Outfit details:
Scarf: Levi’s
Jean jacket: Levi’s
Cardigan: Jcrew
Shirt: Last Chance
Corduroys: Jcrew
Bracelets: Kate Spade
Bag: Coach
Sandals: Salt Water Sandals