
Sunset Alley

Last week I mentioned that Scott spotted this neat little alley way around Tempe that he just knew I would love. Well, he did it again. On Friday evening we took a nice little walk around a cute neighborhood in Tempe and dreamed of the day that we might live there. Neither of us particularly want to live in Tempe, but the neighborhood we were surrounded by was just picturesque. With the cool temperatures we were having that evening, and the shade from the trees that covered us as we strolled by, it most certainly felt like were were in a town far away from Tempe (Paonia, Colorado, to be exact).

I wore this outfit to downtown Phoenix for our 3rd Friday Art Walk. There was a neat bike art exhibit that I really wanted to check out, and it was a BEAUTIFUL evening to walk around downtown. Scott and I ran into a few friends a long the way, and ended up taking a nice long stroll through the city to find some water/vitamin water because we were both way too parched for our own good. I swear, I love Phoenix at night (especially when it’s warm out). Now, if only September, October, and November can hurry up and get here. Phoenix is just beautiful in the fall (and maybe I’m just excited and ready for the nostalgia that comes along with it already). 
What did you do this weekend? XO
Outfit details:
Cardigan: Banana Republic
Shirt: Madewell
Jeans: Levi’s
Bag: Vintage Coach