
Monsoon Season


August in Arizona means Monsoon season is in full effect. With the 116 degree days we were having here just a little over a week ago, I’ve been extra thankful for the rain we’ve been getting lately. Even thought it’s still pretty warm out during our storms (usually in the 80’s and 90’s) I’ve still found myself gravitating toward more fall like styles. Let’s just say I am completely ready for fall!

A few nights ago Scott and I went out for a little late night shopping and during the time we were in the store a bad Monsoon had covered the Tempe area (we weren’t even in there very long!). As we walked toward the car we noticed that the lights in the Target parking lot and store were almost all out, and as we drove out of the plaza more streetlights and shop lights turned off as we passed by. Once we got to the road the stoplight went out, and then every following light on the road went out as we came up to it. It feels so eery to be driving on such a darken road, and also a bit terrifying (so many cars on a busy road with no measure of when to go or when to stop). I was so thankful once we finally made it home and had gotten out of the storm’s path safely. Monsoons really are serious business!
Outfit details:
Top: Levi’s
Jeans: Levi’s
Bracelets: Kate Spade & Vintage
Boat shoes: Sperry’s
Today I’m heading out to get some coffee and work on my ever growing pile of grad school work. Tonight, Scott and I are also going out to dinner with some old friends, and I also might need to stop by an Ulta for Essie’s fall collection of nail polishes. Every season I always love getting their mini bottles, and the fall set is always, always my favorite!
What are you up to today? Anything fun planned for this gorgeous weekend?
-Chelsea xo