
Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween sweet friends! Since today is Scout’s very first Halloween I couldn’t help but dress him up in a homemade costume. Scott made him an adorable “Pup Scout” sash so he could become an honorary Pup/Boy Scout for the day! I also couldn’t help but partake in the fun, and opted to dress up as my all-time favorite Halloween costume growing up, a very non-spooky witch!

Today I’m going to try and soak in every ounce of the Halloween spirit that I can (starting off with a pumpkin bagel this morning!). Tonight Scott and I are going to take his little sister trick or treating and will be dressing up as Wayne and Garth From Wayne’s World together. For years, and years now Scott has been asking me dress up as Wayne and Garth, sort of as “you owe me for making me dress up as Peter Pan and wearing green tights that year,” so we figured this year we would finally pull the costumes together and wear them on our night out on the tricking or treating town! I’m actually really excited to take Scott’s sister around to all of the houses. I always had such a fun time on Halloween growing up, and I truly love partaking in the Halloween spirit!

Also, my thoughts are with you all who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. Please stay and dry!

Are you dressing up for Halloween? Do you have any Halloween day traditions?

-Chelsea xo