
Giving Thanks


Happy Saturday, sweet friends! I just wanted to pop in to say I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of yummy food, lots of family and friends, and a moment to think about what we are all really thankful for. I had a very nice day with my family, going to the local car show and eating a delicious meal, and also had a lovely evening with sweet friends and my amazing boyfriend, eating yummy desserts and watching Home Alone 2!

Yesterday I spent a little time shopping around for a few Black Friday deals. Every year I like going out to look at the sales, even if nothing catches my eye. This year I ended up purchasing a few things, and enjoyed a large coffee while doing so (great motivator, if you ask me!). I’m pretty sure I walked over a mile through the shopping plaza, but it really felt good to stretch after a day of laziness and yummy food.

Today a handful of Black Friday sales are still going on, and I thought I would mention a few of my favorites:
Radiant Cosmetics is offering free shipping plus a free pressed powder with code CELEBRATE through Giving Tuesday.
Ban.do is offering 20% off any order with the code GIVETHANKS
Blowfish Shoes is offering 20% off everything in their store with the code BLACKOUT, and ends today.
LuLu*s has a whole section devoted to Black Friday, filled with awesome steals and deals that are still going on right now.
Le Mode Accessories is offering 15% sitewide with the code TYSALE now through Sunday.

Today is also Small Business Saturday and I want to encourage everyone to go out and shop local today!

How was everyone’s Thanksgiving? Did you go Black Friday shopping?
-Chelsea xo